2016 Primary Voters' Guide
Legislative District 42 - State Representative Pos. 1

Coming Soon
Jacob Lamont
(Prefers Libertarian Party)

Elected Experience: Region 1 Director of Libertarian Party of Washington, Presidential Delegate.

Other Professional Experience: Founded Northwest WA-based businesses - Cannaire, Evergreen, and multiple construction companies. Small business development consultant. Bering Sea crabber.

Education: Home-school.

Community Service: Medical Marijuana Legislative Advisor and Provider; Volunteer and Donor for Trinity Syndicate for the Addicted, Homeless and Welfare-reliant; International Arts and Music Festival Volunteer; Speaker at Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education (WWU); Community liaison on planning for Blaine City Council.  

Statement: The only legitimate end of politics and commercial endeavor is the well-being of people. "Representative government" refers to the representation of people - rather than that of corporate or special interests.

I stand for a government that enables people to be changed by what comes from them - rather than what comes at them. That requires protecting the good things we want from our politics against the often self-defeating mechanisms of our state's political system. Measuring our compassion by our results - not dollars spent. I'm running Libertarian because I want to shield every individual's rights from other people's privileges.   

(360) 306-9793